Apprentissage du français

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Dépasser les difficultés de la conjugaison des verbes français

Jeudi 31 Décembre 2009.

Perfectionner son français avec la BBC et les vidéos du programme "Ma France"

Bienvenue à Ma France ! Improve or brush up your basic French with the help of Stéphane Cornicard and 24 interactive video units. The films were shot around Lyons, the Alps and in Provence.

Mots-clés : , , , , , , , ,

Un ensemble de vidéos très riche avec beaucoup d'exploitations possibles. Les vidéos sont sous-titrées en français et en anglais.

Welcome to the interactive version of Ma France
Ma France will help you improve or brush up your basic French with the help of Stéphane Cornicard and 24 interactive video units. The language you'll learn is spoken and up-to-date. It will help you to deal with a range of practical situations and conversational topics: Directions, dating, house-buying, food and wine etc. The idea is to follow the units in order but you can just dip into them.

Start Ma France
Start Ma France

Each of the units is organized around three short films: video A contains the main vocabulary and grammar outcomes; video B gives you more cultural information and video C sets the interviewees a surprise challenge. We'd recommend that you follow them in sequence, though you can choose any of them from a unit's Summary Page. You can start any of the 3 videos by just clicking on the pictures. But we recommend you click on "Start unit" so that Stéphane will be there to guide you. On the right hand side of the video picture, you can see the name of the video, its length, its description and the links to the French and English transcripts of the video.

You can also see the whole syllabus beforehand. It matches the language ladder preliminary stage equivalent to level 1.

jeanev | 14 h 17 | Rubrique : Français pour débutants et intermédiaires | Lu 5788 fois

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