Apprentissage du français

Aide aux étudiants de Français Langue Etrangère dans leur aux professeurs de FLE


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Dépasser les difficultés de la conjugaison des verbes français

Mercredi 02 Septembre 2009.

French course for beginners at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

The "Mitopencourseware" of the MIT offer an introduction to the French language and culture with an emphasis on the acquisition of vocabulary and grammatical concepts through active communication.

Mots-clés : , , , , , , , , , ,

21F.301 / 21F.351 French I

This is an introductory course that is conducted entirely in French. The goals
of this course are :
  1. To be able to understand, speak, write and read in the present, future and past tenses about such topics as you and your family, food, travel, hobbies, your daily present and past activities and your environment. Emphasis will also be placed on how to interact with different people in different contexts.
  2. To be able to write short compositions about the topics above, without the use of a dictionary.
  3. To become acquainted with French and Francophone customs, history and civilization on a simple scale.
  4. To develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for your own culture as well as others.

jeanev | 16 h 52 | Rubrique : Français pour débutants et intermédiaires | Lu 3863 fois

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