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Dépasser les difficultés de la conjugaison des verbes français

Lundi 22 Décembre 2008.


Du 22 au 27 avril 2009


L'Euroforum en est à sa 9ème édition et remporte chaque année beaucoup de succès. Inscrivez-vous nombreux!

Galatasaray Euroforum Model European Union (MEU) Conference is the simulation of the decision making bodies of the European Union gathering undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world. This MEU conference has its structure derived from principles applied at other model conferences, particularly Model United Nations. University students, political party and NGO members from various countries act as political representatives to discuss the main issues concerning the international community while respecting the procedures and guidelines applied throughout the proceedings of the actual simulated political bodies. The participants seek to protect the interests of the state or the organization which they represent. Comprising four main decision making bodies of the EU simulated with respect to the decision making procedures in the real framework of the Union, Galatasaray Euroforum will also realize interaction between these bodies. Elaborations in a committee will be shaped by the resolutions voted and passed by another body.

jeanev | 19 h 57 | Rubrique : Actualités | Lu 2684 fois

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